New Release: More Than 52 Churches

New Release: More Than 52 Churches

If you want to know your churchs weaknesses and strengths, you must look at it through the eyes of a visitor. Thats exactly what Peter DeHaan does as he shares an insiders perspective on dozens of churches.

What can we learn from the churches that line our cities and small towns, even if we never step foot inside?

Christian churches around the world are immensely varied in their size, interpretation of the Bible, and worship style, but there is one thing that unites them all: their belief in Jesus. 

In More Than 52 Churches, the sequel to 52 Churches, youll team up with Peter DeHaan as he travels to another twenty-four Christian congregations to observe, learn, and grow. Although this book is a sequel, it can be read as a standalone. As each church experience unfolds, youll discover greater diversity and new insights from a wide range of worship services and personal encounters with other believers.

In More Than 52 Churches, youll discover:

  • How to celebrate the amazing diversity of the local church and her worship styles
  • Different ways that church visitors experience your church and why thats important
  • How churches effectively minister to their congregations
  • The vital importance of church fellowship and personal connection
  • Insights to help you better connect with visitors

Ideal for members or church leaders, youll get a unique perspective and broader understanding of church denominations, sizes, and worship styles. The book will help believers understand that a one-size-fits-all congregation will never adequately represent all churches. Instead, every church should embrace their strengths and identify their weaknesses so that they can better serve the world around them.

With insightful commentary and a unique perspective into church communities, youll catch a greater vision for how we can appreciate every kind of church, even when it doesnt look like the church we call home.

You might even discover how you can make your church an even better one—just by experiencing it as a visitor does.

Get More Than 52 Churches and discover how you can reimagine your church today.


Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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